10,000 Dragons Update!

We have made a few updates based on player feedback:

• Adjusted the dash so that players are less likely to spam it just to move around.

• Added additional readable signs throughout the starting sequence of the game so that players have an easier time learning how the game systems and mechanics work.

• Made the on-screen signal that you have stat points to spend from leveling up more obvious.

• Tweaked some of the enemy AI to make combat more interesting, and to cut down on cheesing the enemies so easily.

• Fixed a bug that allowed you to walk off screen while talking to some NPCs.

• We think we have corrected the bug that causes the game to crash during the Malinok, Demigod of Despair boss fight for some users.  The cause of this bug was somewhat unclear, but we made adjustments that seem (so far) to have fixed the issue!


10K Studios Team

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