Bug Fixes

We have updated the game to remove a handful of bugs reported by users, and to make some minor improvements.

• Fixed a few pathing issues, where walls were missing or where the character was getting stuck.

• Tweaked the math to encourage more character build variety (in particular, the stat buff from one of the rings was too good, especially with certain weapons).

• Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the game to crash when loading save data.

• You can now do a hard save data reset by holding CONTROL + SHIFT when you press enter on the start screen. This will delete all save data and start a new game.

• Added a few clues to make it bit less likely that players will accidentally miss certain content. (To avoid spoilers, we will have to leave it at that!)

• At least one user reported that the game crashes during the encounter with Malinok, Demigod of Despair, after reducing the boss to half health. But we were unable to replicate this bug, and could not find the cause of the problem. If you encounter a similar issue, please let us know and attached a console log, if possible. We hypothesize that the bug may have to do with the device/browser being used. A reminder: this game is designed to work on a browser with a keyboard, and it has not been tested on any mobile devices, including tablets. We recommend Chrome or Firefox on a desktop or laptop computer.

Thanks to everyone for playing, and especially to those providing feedback. Also, please consider rating the game. Cheers!

- 10K Studios

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